Monday, February 21, 2005

I am Official

After almost nine months at my current employer, I received my nameplate. The time delay was only due to my not pressing the issue. The AP Manager was nice enough to make sure that I receive one. She looks after the GL group. We are small (only 5 of us), so AP adopted us and includes us with their functions and decorations.

The most wonderful thing is the amount of time that I have been with my employer. I was only with SKIDS for 7.5 months. I was looking for a job even before I hit the 6-month point. This place tried to break me. It is the only job where I walked out. My current employer is so much better. I enjoy the work. Even with a hard day, I do not dread going in the next morning. And now with baby on the way, I know it is where I am supposed to be.

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