Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Getting Better

I think, knock on wood, that I am finally better. The last two nights I actually slept. This is good. Last night I slept great. I passed out early – ok not too early – but I went straight into a deep sleep. And much to my surprise I awoke to laundry complete (and put away), dishes done, and coffee table organized. My Sweetie is wonderful. These things were not even stressing me out. He did it all because he wants to make me happy. Little does he know that all I need to be happy is to hear that he loves me and to feel his wonderful hug.

Work was good today. I was busy and I got a new computer. This is huge since mine was crashing with errors talking about disk failures. Now I will be able to work more efficiently. If only it was a laptop…..

Sweetie was so cute this morning. As we were finishing getting ready for work he asked if we could ride together. He loves adding any minutes that he can to our time together. Hard to say no to such a cute face.

I just have to say it again; I am so happy right now. I feel close to my family. I am happy with my job. School is almost over. I have wonderful friends. And most importantly, I feel completely secure in my marriage and in our new little family. I am so very lucky.

Of course, there is that whole fact of having to be an adult now. No, two cars, a mortgage, college degrees, careers, and pushing 30 does not make you an adult. Having a child does though, LOL. There is no one else that I would want to become an adult with. It helps that we know each other better than anyone else knows us. Like how he knows if I move my legs a certain way it means that I am sick. I know that he stayed up too late if his eyes have purple lines under them. Of course, I won’t post everything that I know that others don’t, there is something so wonderful in being the only one who knows these things.

Baby has been wonderful today, kicking away. I love to feel these kicks. It is hard to describe. But it is wonderful. I can’t wait until this weekend. We are getting started on preparing the house for baby. There is a lot to do. However, I have a plan in place that will have everything ready before graduation. Yes, for those who know me, it is in Excel. And yes, I do have a copy at work and at home.

This post is so long because I am waiting on Sweetie to come and pick me up. It doesn’t bother me, it just causes me to have mushy gushy feelings since I just talked to him – heehee – and I have access to a computer – and a fast one now.

Tonight I have to do my school work. Let’s hope I can stay awake.

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