Friday, March 31, 2006


My favorite cancer ass-kicking superwoman, Deb.
She quoted Oprah saying "This year my fervent prayer is to be a channel for the deepest spiritual essence of my life. To know for sure that there are no ordinary moments. That to be alive is the most extraordinary thing we know.

To be alive is the most extraordinary thing we know."

I needed this today - another rough day. She helped to remind me that even with this depression, joint and bone pain, and moments with racing heart - I still have a job (even if I am not 100% happy, it is a job), I have an amazing Husband, the most precious baby girl, and family and friends that I cannot get enough.

I am truly lucky.

This weekend, I am focusing on living my life to the fullest. Tonight is an "at home" date with Sweetie after Bug falls asleep. Tomorrow is family day and at night I am going to a b-day party for Bug's teacher. Then Sunday is the Ballet, Director's Choice/Evolution

And I leave everyone for their weekend - but first, a picture of my Bug.


Grammy G said...

Thanks for the new picture. Just what I needed. New wall paper coming up!

Grammy G

Unknown said...

OMG. That is the cutest baby of alllllll time.

I can't be around babies and miss smooshing them. Give that one a smooshe for moi.

