Sunday, March 12, 2006

Stress Reduction

I love this picture.

Today is my last day of my old lifestyle. I am focusing on a plan, yes I am all about spreadsheets and "to do" lists.

My friends and family have been amazing, calling, coming by, doing research - I am so lucky.

I am very happy that the book that I purchased is all about alternative healing. Unfortunately, the non-killing approach is considered alternative in the US. I am very grateful that my Dr is supporting my decision. The sad thing is that the two approaches have much bickering, much like breastfeeding. Those, in general terms (of course), who believe in the radiation, feel strongly that this is the correct way. The same goes for the medication approach, those who feel strongly say that the radiation is a weak decision and that we should all strive alternatives (medication and lifestyle change) before something so drastic. While I do agree with the medicine approach, that is for me. If I was 20 years older, I might be doing the radiation first. You just never know how you will react in situations. So do not judge. That is one thing I have learned in my many years on this earth. Don't walk around proclaiming what you would do. If you ever find yourself in the situation, you might surprise yourself and do the opposite of what you proclaimed.

OK back on topic. So today is focused on a stress relief plan.

Today I am working on my Control Journal for flylady. I have put this off, and put this off. I already have the supplies - bought them back in December. But now I think it is very needed for my stress relief.

My stress reduction plan will focus on:
Exercise - daily! I read that exercising is as important as my Antithyroid medication. I will focus on weight training three - four times a week and walking three - five times.
Journaling what I eat - so I can try and link what I eat with how I feel - next step will be restricting points
Water - pull out my Bubba Keg
Organizing the house - will make me feel better (oh and we found the flooring we want. I am looking for any and all volunteers to help us install it) I am going to truly be flying with Flylady's helpful tips to keeping a clean house - will keep everyone up to date - back when I first tried this in like 1999 or so, I did not keep with it - same goes for December. They say the third times a charm.....
Being Prepared - I need protein snacks, and I get very hungry very quickly - so Sweetie wants me to have something healthy on hand at all times. This makes sense.
Yoga/meditation/quiet time - for all purpose - letting everything roll off my back.

I also have to *shudder* give up my diet cokes. There is a link between Graves' and Aspertame. This is going to be HARD - but I can do it.

Once I finalize my routines for my control journal, I will post them here.

We are going to check out another gym today for Bug's swim lessons.

And I need to look into new walking shoes - mine are much too old for any long distances.

Oh that reminds me, due to stress reduction - we are NOT participating in the Cap 10k . I am focusing on the Bun Run at the end of April and the Daisy 5k on Mother's day. It is about consistency, not killing yourself to meet unrealistic expectations.

Plus we have tickets to the Ballet on the same day as the Cap 10k - I think watching beautiful dancers sounds more relaxing, lol.

MotoDiva is trying to get me to do the Danskin Triathlon. Maybe not this year, but I think I will try for next year.

OK I need to get my sleepy heads up.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.

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