Monday, March 27, 2006


We are home. As expected, because this is me we are dealing with, we did not go into surgery until 9:30 (an hour late). Everyone said how good Bug was. It is true. She was fantastic. She was not able to eat from 2:10 (when she finished 4 oz in her sleep) until 10:45. But she was a trooper. The nurse said "good thing she isn't really into food". You're telling me - everyone in that waiting room should be grateful for that. She has an ear infection in the left year, which is what we expected, and the right looked good. After this round of ear drops, we should be done with ear infections - knock on wood.

She is good, wonderful actually. The WORST part was her screaming after waking up from the surgery. She was out of it and NOTHING was making her better. Her cry was one I have never heard and hope I never hear again. It killed me. Sweetie was at a loss. The nurses kept telling us that it was perfectly normal.

When we left, and caught back up with MIL and Mom who came as support, she was fast asleep on her Daddy. We went to breakfast at Kerby Lane. She slept through more than half of the meal. Apparently I was still on edge. The minute I saw her eyes open, I got her out of the carseat, cleaned her ear, and began feeding her. Sweetie and Mom both said that my mood completely changed when she woke up. Of course, she is my little girl. I don't know how parents do it with more serious surgeries.

So what do you do to celebrate a baby who did wonderfully with her tubes? Shopping of course. We went to BabysRus. Sweetie and I got her Easter outfit. We went more practical than not and got a pantset (linen, so not totally practical - but Sweetie loves linen), floppy hat, and some sandals that hopefully she can wear for some of the summer. We also got her toys, which is very important. Right now is the best time with a baby - in my opinion - because he buys the toys that HE likes rather than having to fight with Bug about which toy is more fun.

So, we are safe and happy. Bug is playing, talking, and crawling everywhere - life is back to normal.

Oh and Sweetie made his company bowling team - GO SWEETIE!!!

All I have to say is that he is the best when it comes to dealing with stress. I could not wish for a better partner in life. He helps me through it all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwww! Glad to hear she was a good patient and that you made it through OK too! ;)