Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Final Countdown

All I have remaining is my presentation. By 8:00 tonight, I will have everything turned into the professor. I still have to practice my part of the presentation and I am not ready for this. I hate being the first to speak. We have a conference table so maybe I can do it sitting down, which would me more like work.

My Sweetie showed me my invite for graduation today. I love it. He is so proud and this proves it. He even wrote his love for me into the source coding for the site. I am so very lucky to have a man that adores me this much.

We had lunch today since I will not be home until late. As always, it was wonderful. I absolutely adore being able to see my Sweetie during the day. Once again, he could not stop kissing me or smiling. I love his smile. The checker at Pok-e-joes asked if we are having a boy or a girl. That made my Sweetie smile SOOOO big. Everyday he tells me how much he loves me, loves us, and loves her.

We decided that we do want to do a BBQ after graduation. This sounds perfect to me. I simply want a moment to celebrate with family and feel pride in my accomplishments.

I hope that I will know somewhat my grade for the class tonight. That would be nice. However, I am not holding my breath. I know the instructor needs to grade everything.

It just feels so strange to be this close to being done. Of course, I still have the CPA to study for after graduation. But one step at a time.

Now I am headed to campus for one last academic purpose. Unless I go to take photos, my next trip to campus will not be until Graduation rehearsal on May 12th.

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