I received an e-mail from my cousin-in-law stating that I am not graduating Mother’s day weekend. In total disbelief, I grab my calendar of beautiful orchids and quickly flip to May. Sure enough, I am NOT graduating on Mother’s day weekend. I am, however, still graduating on May 14th at 10:00 at the Frank Erwin Center. The biggest difference is that Mother’s day is on May 8th (still a very important day – 13 years since I met my husband in a certain hot tub). This does not change my countdown as I focused on the date. However, this past weekend I told MIL that I am graduating on Mother’s day weekend. Good thing she reads my blog. Blame it on pregnancy brain; blame it on a faulty calendar. I even discussed graduation falling on Mother’s Day weekend with fellow students, which means I am not the only misinformed one, LOL. My cousin-in-law was worried that I would either forget to wish my mom a happy mother’s day or that I would end up with a house full of people a week earlier than the actual ceremony. Of course, invitations will have the correct date – and hopefully people would look at the date instead of hearing my words about the holiday. I think I will have my Sweetie design something for my invites this time.
My schooling adventure is almost over. Over the weekend, I received my confirmation request regarding my name and degree for my diploma. It will have my full name and MBA Accounting. I get to pick up my diploma with my little one on July 14th. Much of the process is the same as with my BBA. However, since I am graduating in May rather than December, it is a larger ceremony held away from campus. This calls for a graduation rehearsal the Thursday before, followed by a party. Friday is a special service for graduates and the “Blessing of the Brains” and Saturday is the actual event. When I graduated with my BBA, I received the most wonderful present from my Sweetie, a pearl necklace and earrings from money that he saved from waiting tables. I am not materialistic. However, I cannot help but wonder what I will receive this time. Actually, if we have everything ready for our June bug by graduation, that will be present enough.
Last night was so much fun. I loved seeing my friend again. It makes me very happy that I answered that advertisement for an accounting associate/sales coordinator back in August 1997. Once again, fate took care of me. My mom, Sonnet, and I all discussed how happy we are that we worked there. It was a great learning experience for me. It is also where I was working (for less than a month) when my father passed away. The family-like atmosphere was what got me through. I stayed there for 2 years before needing a larger company to expand my wings.
I went to lunch with a co-worker today. The conversation was wonderful, as we discussed mostly my maternity leave. However, here we are hours later and I am still so very full. When I wait to eat and get low, my eyes become bigger than my stomach. I think something light is in order for tonight.
Where is the cow picture? I am working on it. We have to resize it because the CD that we received has the pictures HUGE. As soon as this is complete, I will post the soon-to-be famous Missy on Cow photo.
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