I was able to sleep after my post this morning. At one point, I had a bob next to my head purring (he is 6 today – HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOB) and my Sweetie on the other side snoring. That is what I call paradise. Don’t worry, my Sweetie didn’t snore for long, I always kick him when he does, heehee. The alarm came much too early this morning so I may go home after lunch to sleep.
Last night’s class was really good. Walking through the hospital made things very real. It made me think that in 12 weeks I will be there giving birth to the most wonderful little girl – the creation of love between Terry and me. When we got home from the birthing class we went straight to the bedroom – it is more comfortable to sit on the bed with my swollen feet. We did not turn on the TV. We simply started taking and checking our e-mails and such. Terry took the time to show me some desktops and icons that he really likes. I love them as well and he is going to alter one for me (my laptop screen size is apparently abnormal). I know it sounds simple, but moments like these are the best.
Being pregnant is indescribable. This is very true. Every pregnancy is different and the support around you has a large impact on the experience. I am so very lucky to have such a supportive husband who takes the best care of me. It is not only about him handling the chores, while that is wonderful. He also takes the time to rub my feet and back. He sings and talks to my belly. He holds me close when my hormonal rollercoaster causes tears to fall. Most importantly, he finds me silly and funny while we still have very in-depth conversations. I think that is very important to a marriage – the conversation. Not only about open communication, but able to discuss things that we both relate.
While I did sleep after my post, it apparently was not long enough. My Co-workers were worried about me. Since it is spring break, there were no bosses around, YAY me. And since I am salary and caught up on work, sneaking out is an option.
Before sneaking out, I had a lunch date with my Sweetie. We ate outside and talked about the last 6 months. He kept kissing me and making me laugh. He told me that I looked tired, but his very cute, beautiful, gorgeous pregnant wife. He melts my heart anytime. After a brief, yet passionate make out session at my car, we parted ways.
My co-workers saw me come back to work and questioned why I was there. I gave in and headed out at 2 for home. I crawled into bed and had no trouble with an almost 3 hour nap. I awoke to all the cats surrounding me.
When I checked my e-mail, I found one from my Sweetie. He sent me the desktop that we found the night before for my screen size. So Sweet.
I received a wonderful gift today as well – but that deserves its own post.
Now I am off to prepare for my Brother and SIL coming to dinner.
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