Thursday, January 19, 2006

Half Nekkid Thursday #2


Not nekkid as in clothing. This week's Nekkid shows emotional Nekkid. With my job situation in limbo, I feel very vulnerable.


Wenchy said...

I can so identify with that... except mine is not a job issue.

AndyT13 said...

First! Yaya! HHNT! Fear not: the job situation will resolve itself.
Everything will be fine.

Jody said...

happy hnt and cheer up

Tess said...

I can feel you too. Hope things get better fast. Happy HNT!

MamaKBear said...

That's a great look deep in thought.

Congrats on the new job...saw your new post above!

Happy HNT! :)

David said...

Hmmm...penny for your thoughts

Happy HNT!

Barakah said...

Sorry to hear about the job situation bringing you down. You look so sad in the picture. Don't worry things have a way of working themselves out in the end...

Professor Fate said...

Nekkid is as Nekkid does.

Happy HNT (and congrats on the new job).

Robin said...

But you got the job! Congratulations, and a beautiful shot to boot! HHNT